Microfiche Scanning

Your Microfiche Content Finally Digitized

Harness the power of your microfiche collection with Inception Tech’s Microfiche Scanning Services. Digital conversion of these valuable documents enhances accessibility, portability, and preservation. Enjoy the convenience of rapid searching, efficient data retrieval, and reduced physical storage requirements.

Inception Technologies works with both 16 mm and 35 mm microfiche. You can rely on our skilled technicians and advanced scanning technology to convert your microfiche into high-resolution digital files with uncompromising quality and accuracy.

Microfiche has been a trusted media to store records over the past 100 years.  Organizations have stored documents on both 16 mm and 35 mm microfiche.  This was great for the customer 20 or more years ago but if you have recently been tasked with finding documents on microfiche, you know the challenges you faced trying to find the specific documents.  Finding the specific microfiche itself can be time consuming and once you find it, you need a microfiche reader to help you read the document.

Inception has converted millions of pages from microfiche.  Organizations of all sizes trust Inception to get the job done in a timely and accurate manner.

Benefits of Converting Microfiche to Digital Files

Converting your microfiche to digital files has similar benefits to converting your paper records to digital files.

  1. Improved Searchablity especially when used with Inception’s Cloud services (Link to cloud doc mgt) finding documents in seconds
  2. Documents are instantly accessible
  3. Lower or eliminate ongoing storage costs
  4. Documents can be backed up across multiple locations
  5. Documents can be secured while remaining accessible to authorized users
  6. Saves time and money

Why You Should Convert Your Microfiche to Digital Files

Microfiche like any physical media has a shelf life and must be stored in the proper conditions.  Even in the most ideal storage environment, microfiche can deteriorate.  If your microfiche has any of the following conditions, you should strongly consider converting the files in the near future.

  1. Does the film have a vinegar smell?
  2. Is the film brittle or cracking?
  3. Are there any blemishes or spotting on the film?
  4. Is the film sticky?
  5. Do you notice any fungus on the film?

These are all signs of serious deterioration and should be addressed before it is impossible to use the film.

Why Outsource Document Scanning Services?

Becoming a highly efficient and accurate document experts like Inception Technologies takes time and can consume an organization’s resources.  Inception eliminates the need to hire temps, invest in technology, and no need to train your staff.

  1. We are experts in document scanning and processing documents. Let us do the heavy lifting while you focus on your organization’s goal
  2. Our staff is highly trained and can process your documents quickly and accurately
  3. Our investment in technology means we can deliver your data and documents to your line of business application or cloud system
  4. Our production control system provides you with the peace of mind that the job is being done as specified and give transparency into our process
  5. We may not have seen your documents but chances are we have seen similar so you can be confident we can get the job done

Our Scanning Process

Inception Technologies uses the latest microfiche scanning technology available today.  Our investment in technology enables us to deliver fast and accurate data and images from your microfiche.

Our team can pick up your microfiche or you can securely ship the rolls to our office.  Once received our team will perform an inventory of the rolls to verify what we received.  Each roll will be entered into our Production Control system which then assigns a unique id to each roll throughout the process.  From there, the digitization process begins.

Create Virtual Fiche
Extract individual Frames
Export Digital Files
Perform Data Extraction

What type of microfiche do I have?

The first step in getting a proposal is determining what type of microfiche you have.  Based on the type of microfiche, the number of images and the resources needed to convert those documents will vary greatly.

Jacketed Microfiche

Jacketed microfiche is created from microfilm.  The microfilm is cut and slid into the sleeves of the jacket.  The number of frames for jacket fiche will vary based on the number of channels in the jacket, the reduction ratio used to create the microfilm, and the types of documents being stored.  The sleeves can hold strips of 16mm or 35mm rollfilm, or a combination of both, stored in a clear Mylar jacket. Jackets are typically 4 inches x 6 inches and can hold up to five strips of film, typically in a horizontal orientation. A title strip area across the top of the jacket will usually have the microfiche’s title and indicate its contents.

16 mm Jacketed Fiche

35 mm Jacketed Fiche

COM Microfiche (Computer Output Microfilm)

COM Microfiche is typically 105 mm x 148 mm sheets which have individual frames arranged in a permanent grid pattern and are generated by computer processes, hence the name. Each sheet will have an area at its top with an eye readable title describing its contents. COM fiche are usually of a higher reduction ratio (typically 42x reduction in size of what it would look like in hard copy). A single sheet of this fiche can hold up to 300 frames.

Step and Repeat Microfiche

Step and Repeat microfiche is typically created with a manual scanning process.  Documents would be fed through a scanner and imaged onto the microfiche.

Oversized Microfiche

Larger than the standard 4×6 inch cards, these microfiche can be as large as 5×8 inches and will have more columns than your typical fiche resulting in more images.

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